I'm Grateful.


Looking back on the week I had in Georgia, I'm grateful. 

This week was definitely not what I expected or wanted or planned on to say the least. Between the lack of organization, not so fun worship, miscommunication, tears, delays, rude people, and lack of friends, my anxiety was through the roof. 

BUT...despite all the struggles, I'm so grateful. 

For the joy in the children's' eyes when I told them I would color with them. 

For the tears shed on the last night.

For Carly.

For new friendships.

For a ladder to paint the trim of a house after waiting 2 hours for one.

For transportation. 

For the men at the Salvation Army helping us with our projects with smiles on their faces.

For Nate.

For texts from my aunt, friend, and a pastor friend throughout the week.

For finding my twin- an Olivia with the same birthday as me.

For love.

