Olivia's Top Five: Bible Verses

guess who back, back again, guess whose back? go tell a friend! (ha)

(picture credit: THE AMAZING Linda Albrecht)

Over the course of my eighteen (WHAT?!?!?) years of life, I have come across multiple Bible verses; many of which have struck a cord with me in some way: joyful, clarity, hope, etc... I thought I would start this sort of series on my blog called, "Olivia's Top Five" where I tell you my top five books, movies, shows, songs, snacks, etc... So without further ado (in no particular order...well, sort of), I present to you:

Olivia’s Top Five: Bible Verses

1. Galatians 5:13

~ You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh[a]; rather, serve one another humbly in love.~

I remember the first time I saw this verse. It was in a Bible verse coloring book I had bought at TJMAXX. I was flipping through the pages and this one had bird houses on it with birds eating from them. And I thought that this is literally the definition of being a Christian: loving one another despite any bad feelings towards others through Christ. And not just to love others, but do so in a humbling way. I think that's the most important part. People love all the time. But to do it being humble makes all the difference. 

2. Psalm 18:28

~You, Lord, keep my lamp burning;
    my God turns my darkness into light.~

I read this verse as " The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness." I turn to God when my world feels tough, scary, and well, dark. This verse reminds me that God will take away my darkness and shine light into my world. You are my candle in the dark. (Lutherans start singing that tune NOW) Shine where you are, you are the light of the world. Or in this case, my world. 

3. Psalm 91:4

~Under His wings, you will find refuge.~

Protection. That's what I think of when I hear/think/read this verse. That no matter where I go in the world, New York, Wisconsin, Sweden, anywhere, that Jesus' wings will always follow and protect me. And WOW! What a feeling that is, to know that someone will always have your back. I find so much peace and comfort in that. I find that the word refuge, when I hear the word, is just so peaceful. I will find a safe haven under the Lords wings. I will find peace under the Lords wings. I will find comfort under the Lords wings. Ahhhh....I just love it.. 

4. Proverbs 31:25

~She is clothed with strength and dignity,and she laughs without fear of the future.~

This one. This one is my rock. I never thought of myself to be clothed with strength and dignity in Gods eyes. Knowing that even on a day that I don't feel strong, God still clothes me with strength. On days I don't make the best choice, God still clothes me with dignity. I find such comfort (like I do in a lot of verses) in these words and turn to them often as they are always persistent. With laughing without fear of the future, that one I don't feel as confident in. With my anxiety, not knowing things is always something that makes me anxious. But, with this verse, the Lord tells me to relax and trust in His plan. Most days I do, but man some days I just want to steer the boat. 

5. Jeremiah 17:7-8

~But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.~

This verse has by far the most impact and significance on my life. Back in 2014 I went on a mission trip to Plymouth, Ohio with youth from my church. At this point in my life I had gone to Sunday School and was averagely active in church. But, I didn't feel like Jesus and I were close. I believed in Him but definitely wasn't confident in saying that, nor practicing that. Anyway, I get to this mission trip site and this verse was the theme verse for the whole week. And that was the week were I fully gave my heart to Jesus. 100%. 10/10. Three pointer. You get the point- haha. That week in Ohio in 2014 was the greatest moment of my life to this day. And that verse has stuck by my side ever since. This verse was the verse that led me to give my full heart to Jesus. Praise Him! 


So there ya have it folks! My top five Bible verses. I hope you found this interesting and maybe gave you another verse to add to your own list! Let me know in the comments below what my next top five series should be about! 

Merry Christmas! 
Love, Olivia

p.s. you are worthy. you are amazing. be you. i like you just how you are in this moment. (and so does the big guy upstairs)

p.p.s. if you need someone to watch your kiddos for NYE, i still haven't gotten any offers :( so let me know asap if you want me!

p.p.p.s. i'm regretting not putting pictures in this blog but also am not because I like the look of it better without them but here I am being anxious af about it
